“I have discovered that even the mediocre can have adventures and even the fearful can achieve.”
It's difficult to have adventures.
Everything has already been climbed. Work won't give you the time off. Money is tight. Your skills are rusty. Family commitments get in the way. What about the dog? It's all really just a bit scary.
I don't buy into the above. Adventures can be big or small, long or short, challenging or easy - they can be balanced with the rest of your life.
To me adventures involve leaping into the unknown, taking risks and resolving the problems that arise. Adventures bring beauty and pain, tears and joy, challenge and reward. They are a collection of learning experiences, mishaps and near misses - therefore this website is called neilcoxmisadventures.
This website describes my adventures and aims to inspire others to attempt and achieve more than they would have thought possible. The website focusses on multi-day wilderness camping trips but adventures come in all shapes and sizes.
So, if you're still reading this, then fulfil that dream, push yourself and take that tiny step out into the unknown.
Latest Updates
Sardinia Circumnavigation - October 2016
Sardinia has over 2000km of coastline. During October 2016 I circumnavigated the entire island, covering around 800km in 23 paddling days. I was accompanied for parts of the journey by Ingrid Kvale and Leanne Dyke. Battling winds of up to 50km/h and 3m swell, this journey was not the idyllic flat seas and sunny weather we expected from the Med..
Negev Desert Crossing - November 2016
Whilst carrying water for up to 3 days at a time I trekked solo for 420km through Israel's Negev desert. Miles of dirt tracks were punctuated by lush oases, geoloically unique craters and beautiful multi-coloured rock formations.